Our last day of theme park adventures! On the little train that takes us to Epcot. If you look closely at my arm you can see the ugliest tan line known to man.Gary works for Siemens, and they are a sponsor of Epcot, and if you're an employee you can go hang out in their lounge and get drinks and chill out in the air conditioned facilities for a while! It was a nice little break from the heat!
Here's Gary posing with some troll thing after the boat ride in Norway. I think we were in England when I found Winnie the Pooh and Tigger too!
The next day was Friday, and we all slept in as long as humanly possible because we were completely exhausted! It was our last day of vacation and all we wanted to do was sit by the pool, occasionally eat something, take naps and then go to dinner. It was a much needed break right before Saturday when we had to fly all day. I have to mention too that Friday night before we went to dinner, there was the CRAZIEST storm I have ever seen in my life! I have never seen rain and lightening like that before so I was a little scared for my well being. Turns out that's normal Florida weather, and it only lasted a couple hours. Thank goodness it cleared up for us to fly home the next day and we didn't have any delays. Anyway, it was a great vacation. One last hurrah for a while before the baby comes!