November 15, 2009


It's been a weekend at the theater! Friday night we went with Neil and Felicia to see the Michael Jackson movie, "This Is It." Talk about an incredible display of mind bottling talent. Michael Jackson was most certainly a genius in his field. He wasn't just a singer or a dancer. He was an artist and I was blown away at how he was involved with each second of each little detail to this tour he was preparing for. The lighting, the sound effects, the background was inspiring to see someone have that much passion. The back up dancers and musicains were another story. It was all the best of the best and there wasn't one person in that whole film who didn't have outrageous talent. I left the movie debating if I was truly inspired or completely discouraged that I will never be that passionate about anything in this world other than Diet Coke.

Saturday night, it was Gary and I and Neil. Do you see a pattern here? Most everything we do involve the Larson's to some degree. We're just one big happy Foxboro Family. Moving on, our initial plan was to see "Paranormal Activity" but it was sold out by the time we got there. It's fine though because I didn't want to spend the evening wear wet pants. Plan B was "2012". Ah! Woah! Holy &@#*! and "Run you idiot!" Talk about a suspense! The personal stories in the movie were sweet and heart breaking, and there is always that one selfish idiot that you want to reach through the screen and strangle. I love natural disaster movies like "Twister" and "Day After Tomorrow" and "Deep Impact", but this one out did all of them. When we got in the car to go home we all kept talking and thinking about what we would do when the end of the world comes. It's a thinker!

And can I just take this last paragraph to complain about the nasty guy that sat in the seat next to me??? (Not Gary, the other guy). First of all, there was a couple sitting in his seat and his girl friends assigned seat, which seemed like an honest mistake, but don't think that this large smelling ash tray was forgiving or understanding to them. He practically sat on their laps before they could double check their tickets and move. I was afraid the verbal altercation was going to turn physical but luckily it didn't. Had that yucky man been pushed he would of landed on me and then I would of had to regurgitate all over him. Like I said he was a large man, smelled like stale cigarettes, and his pants were falling off a little. Not the preview I wanted to see before the movie. He relaxed his left leg over into my leg area, so I had to lift up the arm bar between me and Gary and share his seat practically. It didn't end there though. Every time he shifted in his seat, a nasty ash draft came our way and it reminded me that he was there. And then, when he realized that Danny Glover played the President of the U.S. in the movie, he had the most racial, derogatory comments to mumble about it. Then if there was a woman in the movie who was acting panicked or shocked and needed to run, he would yell out "run you #@&*! whore!" Ugh. I hope I never see this miserable human being again.