September 2, 2011

Big Fat Changes

I tell you what, this growing tummy thing is freaking me out a little bit. As soon as I accept the fact that I have almost doubled in size, I seem to have tripled in size. I can't keep up with how much I'm expanding! I do have to say though that I have reached a point where I don't really care how big I am getting. If anyone could see what I eat in a day recently, they would wonder why I wasn't morbidly obese. But I'm enjoying it a lot because I know that once the baby comes I won't have the freedom to eat a Twix for will be oatmeal and grapefruit. I'm totally taking advantage of having an excuse to be large!

That being said, I have to say that I'm not a huge fan of the 3rd trimester. Eating is the only joy I really have lately. I'm way more tired than I have ever been, and the simplest tasks cause me to practically suffocate to death! Bending over has become nearly impossible. Twisting to put my seatbelt on is quite discouraging. And I saw my ankles at a size that downright scared me. I love that she's moving so much more than she ever has, but are the headbutts to my rib cage necessary?

As hard as it is, I do believe I'll miss pregnancy once she is here. I never thought I would say that but I'm actually enjoying it more as it goes by...even if it does suck.


Hali said...

I always have enjoyed pregnancy but am always very much ready when it is done! You look great and if you are growing that means baby is growing, we love chubby babies (even if they are addicted to chocolate when born), it is all good!