September 12, 2009

Special Olympics - Golf

Another fantastic experience! This time for Special Olympics we did a golf tournament! It was a beautiful day and I had the best team ever! Here is Ellen and I. She is one professional putter! She was so positive and supportive to the other golfers all day. She has an identical twin sister but insists that she is the best looking of the two!

And then there's David! Sweetest guy ever. He didn't talk much but he smiled constantly. I teased him a lot all day which he LOVED! The squirrels at the golf course were monsterous, so I teased him for feeding the squirrels cheeseburgers and being responsible for how fat they were. He just giggled!
I love these kids so much! I can't think of a better way to cheer me up after a stressful couple of weeks!


Hali said...

How neat Marci, I am glad that you get oppurtunitites like these. What a wonderful experience!!!

Sharcy and Jeremiah said...

Marci... I am so happy you were able to participate in such an awesome event. Oh and by the way, I hope you don't mind if I added you to my blog from Krista's you can check out mine too...