January 5, 2012

I'm a Mom

I didn't feel like a mom the day that Dori was born, and I didn't feel like a mom after 1 or 2 or 3 weeks. And 2 months later, I still don't think I know exactly what it means to be a mom. I'm learning though!
I love this little baby to pieces, so when I'm already exhausted and she needs my attention anyway, I give it to her and tell her I love her. When I have a bad night's sleep and I just want to keep us both in our jammies all day, I smile at her and get her in the tub anyway and tell her how pretty she is. When I wake up grumpy, I think to myself "your baby wants a happy mom, so smile at her when she wakes up." Its a hard thing to do, but she makes me so happy! I love her cuddles and her wiggles, and I love when she stops drinking her bottle half way through to smile at me for no reason! I hate that I have been sick with a nasty cough for the past 5 weeks, but I'm thrilled that it was me and not her!

So bit by bit....I'm learning. And I'm loving it!