November 14, 2009

Let Me Explain - No...There Is Too Much

Alfredo - a cat Gary and I acquired whilst living in the Memory Lane Apartments. We saw other tenants with a cat or two so why couldn't we? Well, then the landlord told us to get rid of him 2 weeks later or else we'd be evicted. And to be honest I didn't care because I hated him.

Milton - I really wanted a dog when I got a house, but then it became clear that there was now way to give him a good life. Smaller house, no fenced/finished back yard, and he would of been alone a lot. So I had my bother sell him to someone else. Sad. Miss him.

Chips - This kitten was pretty gosh darn cute and we got him from a lady in Sugar House. Ew. Devil cat. Hated him. He peed in one of my shoes multiple times, he tore my left ankle to ribbons, and he thought one of our plants was an outhouse. Ugh! So we gave him away, but not quickly enough.

Bruce - I LOVED BRUCE!! He was a stray cat that hung out in our back yard and in the empty lot next door. He was such an adorable, mellow, fat cat that never bothered us to come inside and ruin our house. We kept feeding him just becasue we didn't know if he belonged to anyone and I wanted to make sure he had food. I would also brush him everyday because his fur was pretty long and fluffy. Then one day Bruce went MIA and we haven't seen him for months. Not sure what happened to him =(

Ashes - A lady from my work moved from her house to an apartment where she couldn't take the cat. Because I still had mountains of food and litter left over, I said I would take him and keep him fed. We kept him out in our garage for a while until it was obvious that he didn't like us at all and he was more than likely freaked out that he was taken from his home. neighbors have him now.

Stewie - Now this is a cat I can get on board with. I was at the Nursery Leaders house a few nights ago for a meeting, and when I came out, the cutest cat ever sprinted up to me and looked at me like "well? won't you pet me?" So I did. He followed me to my car, and when I opened the door he hopped inside and just layed down in the passenger seat and pretty much said "k, I'm ready let's go home." So I took him. I don't care if it was right or wrong to take this cat because I LOVE HIM! Anyone who really knows me, knows that I had a cat named Scotty a few years back, who was my little buddy until he had to be put down. I loved Scotty so much and I miss him. It's been almost 2 years since he's been gone. This cat is SO CLOSE to what Scotty was. Such a sweet little guy, so curious, so lovable, so funny, and he adores me and Gary. He lives in our garage and we let him in every day for a while to hang out with us. He loves to touch noses with us and pat his paw on our face. He loves watching the water run out of the faucet, and he loves to hidd under the couch covers. No accidents for him and he's let us know when he needs to go back outside to do his business. I hope this little guy works out.

With all the pets we've had, it's been interesting to see how different their personalities are and what works and what doesn't. Stewie is a cat that makes me love him. I have learned to really dislike cats this year and thought that I would never meet another cat that I loved as much as Scotty, but Stewie fits us like a glove.

And last but not least, I need to give a shout out to our baby Jewish Hampster, Pips who has seen us through a lot of animals, and has been the only one to stick around. She is such a trooper, such a stinker, and she's the cutest little bug of a hampster ever! We love this little thing!


clairesmom05 said...

I'll be honest...I'm a little nervous for you two to have kids.
Ha! Ha! ;)

Marci and Gary said...

I know! Good thing we can test our parenthood on pets!

Krista said...

I'm glad we are not the only pet lover/haters in the world. I think we have had a total of three dogs, two cats, and too many fish to count.