September 10, 2010

Oregon Coast

Gary and I went on a week long road/camping trip with his parents to the Oregon Coast, the Redwood Forest, and to San Francisco. I'll split the posts up a little so as to not overwhelm anyone.... especially me. So let's start with the Oregon Coast! It was beyond beautiful! If I could have, I would have packed up and moved there! Not only was everything so gorgeous, the temperature was perfect for me. It was about 50-60 degrees the whole time, which is my type of climate. I love cooler weather.

We drove on a highway that was literally right off the ocean from the north end to the south end of Oregon, and we couldn't help but want to stop so often to take in the view, and walk on the beaches.
See the white spots in this picture? There was a fine mist that was constantly in the air from off the ocean. It definitely kept things cool!


Katie said...

B-E-A utiful pictures. I wanna go. I hope you have lots o' fun. :)

clairesmom05 said...

Gorg! I read a book based in Oregon a few years back, and it has become my new obsession for a place to vacation! Picture a B&B on the beach...mmm..yes please! :)

Sharcy and Jeremiah said...

I love that you enjoyed Oregon so much!!! I'd love to go on vacation there forever... but not live there (too close to in-laws) haha. I say that when we live like 4 miles form my own parents. Love to visit that coast though!