June 19, 2008

It's the end of an era!!

I really lucked out with my roommates. When I decided to move to Salt Lake, Tara was the first person I called for a room to rent and I didn't look any further. It was probably the best decision I have made in a long time. All my roommates, Tara, Darby and Danielle become such good friends to me. I've been there since August of 07, and now, it's the end of an era! Tara and I practically got engaged at the same time (not to each other), and since it's her house everyone needs to be out by the end of July when she gets married. It's coming to quickly!! While I'm happy to be getting married, I'm going to miss having those girls around to laugh with and say stupid stuff around! They were such a cure-all for any emotional ailment. I'd leave every conversation laughing! But now, Darby and Danielle, are moving out with Darby's twin sister Dallin this weekend and it will just be me and Tara....well basically just Tara because it's not like I'm ever home anyway. I'm going to really miss the food that Danielle would make and her shallow remarks towards the Mormons and ugly people. I'm going to miss Darby's sense of humor a TON!! Everything that comes out of her mouth makes me laugh hysterically. Chilli!! I'm going to miss Tara's rationality and her singing voice. It's so lovely. Oh and I can't forget the carmelita! I'm going to miss them maybe the most. Anyway, to any chick on green street that may be reading this... I love your guts!



Darby said...

Marci, I can't believe you're going to miss carmelita more than me! JK, I would probably do it too. So glad I found something to hit your sugar spot time and time again. I'll have to make you a batch. Thanks for being a fun roommate. I loved your random comments and sense of humor. Thanks for always laughing at me and building up my self esteem. I was getting worried there for a minute that it was getting too low.