June 12, 2008

The Proposal

In one month....July 11th....Gary and I are getting married! YAY!!! I'm so excited. How about I tell you the story of the proposal? Things went very fast for us, but like everyone says, "when you know, you know." And we just knew. Actually July 11th is our 6 month anniversary. So fast. Anyway the proposal. So Gary loves to golf and he has been trying to teach me and get me involved with it too, which I actually enjoy. It was April 12th that he took me to the Bountiful Ridge Golf Course, and that was actually one of the day's that wasn't freezing. I think it was only the 2nd hole that Gary mentioned he wanted to take the golf cart up the mountain a ways to a place where we could tee off. So we went up there, and the view was incredible! Behind us was the mountain, in front of us was the valley, off to the right we could see the Bountiful Temple (where we're getting married) and out to our left was the golf course. We were really enjoying the moment and I was a little mad because I was thinking "stupid Gary needs to propose right now!" So before I hit the ball, about 5 deer came down the mountain and onto the golf course, right where I was going to hit my ball. It was perfect! I almost wonder if he had someone watching the herd and then releasing them at that moment. Moving on. He had my ball and tee, knelt down to put it in place, and switched the ball out for the ring. And then he proposed! He claims I didn't say yes to him, but I think actions speak louder than words because I was jumping up and down and laughing and I shoved the ring on my hand!! And as a surprise element, his best friend Neil was hiding up the mountain video taping the whole thing, so we got to relive the moment again...and again. Well, I'm just over the moon happy. Gary is wonderful and if he were writing this, he would say how wonderful I am too.
