December 9, 2008

Cold and Freezing!

Winter is upon us. Icy, arctic, bitter, Winter. I scraped about 4 and a half inches of ice off my car windows this morning. Here is Gary, adorned by 2 Alpaca scarves and 1 Alpaca hat. Courtesy of Peru (Rick). And yes, his eyes are really that blue. No colored contacts.


Liz said...

STOP IT! Those scarves are amazing! That's it. I'm officially putting in a request for alpaca clothing.

Darby said...

I like this picture lots! And, I've been in Aeropostale, I just haven't found anything I want to use my card on. Come April, I will give you something better than a regifted gift card. I'm thinking something along the lines of treats like oatmeal carmelitas. An entire b-day pan for Marci. Get ready to live!! 4 months and counting!