January 30, 2009

Marci's Desert Island Movies

Hali tagged me to list the 10 movies I would have with me, were I stuck on a desert island. How the world could I ever choose just 10???

1. Life As a House
I LOVE Kevin Kline, he's by far one of my favorite actors and of course he's amazing in this movie

2. Blades of Glory
Pretty sure I have never laughed so hard in my entire life!

3. Count of Monte Cristo
It has everything! Romance, revenge, action, drama! What else could you ask for??

4. Hercules (Disney version)
"Remember how a few years ago, every other boy was named Jason and the girls were all named Britney?"

5. Into the Wild
It brings out my bohemian side.

6. Rent
"Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes!"

7. Charlie Bartlett
I don't remember much about this movie, but I remember I loved it.

8. Mean Girls

9. The Fugitive
Harrison Ford is my hero. I have idolized him since I first saw him crack a whip.

10. Elf
I think that if my husband had enough sugar in his system, he would act exactly like Buddy the Elf. And I'm also convinced that Will Ferrell and I are long lost best friends.

I realize this wasn't a test, but I still feel as though I have failed...weird. Anyway, whom ever would like to participate in this fun little tag...GO!!


Hali said...

Good job and no you did not fail in this test, you did just great. I am mad I forgot about RENT, I love that movie and music! Excellent list o' movies.

Krista said...

Wait what about Alf? I LOVE Will Ferrel!

Alisha said...

I love the quote from "Hercules." I forgot how funny that movie is...