June 6, 2011

It's A....

Baby girl!! I'm so excited about it! Mostly I'm excited because I had a feeling for a while that it would be a girl, and I was hoping that I had enough maternal instincts to give me a clue. And I was right! Gary and I both really wanted a boy in the beginning so I pretty much convinced myself that it was a baby boy, but then after my 2nd doctor appointment, I heard the heart beat again, I was so overcome with the feeling that it was a little girl's heart beat. We had our 20 week ultra sound today and I could tell within seconds that it was a girl, but I waited for the official announcement. Yay!!! This will be the first Fifield grandbaby girl out of 5 boys, and the 9th grandbaby girl on the Weller side. Want to know the name??

Dori Olive. I'm so in love already!


Heidi said...

YAY!!! Girls are soooo much fun! (drama and all!) Congrats and cute name! :)

Tracy said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for you. Girls are so much fun. :)