June 10, 2011

Nursery Inspiration

If anyone knows me but at all, they know how much I love rodents and animals. If I could have birds dress me each morning, while a squirrel fixed my hair and a hedgehog shined my shoes, I would totally sign up for that kind of life! More specifially, I adore little squirrels, so I about cried when I saw this vinyl wall art for a nursery. It has everything! Nature, squirrels, and PINK! I love it so much I can't NOT get it. Granted, it's more pink than I thought I would ever do for a nursery, but I think I can handle it under these circumstances.


Jessica said...

so cute, Marci!! You better post pictures when its finished :) Congratulations again.

Hali said...

You weren't kidding, it is everything I imagined....and MORE!!! Cutest thing in the whole wide world, like I said Gary do not question Marci on this, buy it and enjoy it being in your home for many years to come. Plus, it will inspire your daughter to love squirels and other rodents! YEAH for Pink!