October 1, 2008

Oh Hell

Gary and I have been called to serve...as ward missionaries. Peice of cake as far as Gary is concerned. We've been to a couple of meetings and the mission leader is a really great guy and fun to work with so it started as a pleasant experience. Well, our goal as ward missionaries is to knock on every door in our ward, find out who lives behind them, and document if they are a member or non member. Our strategy was to split the ward up in 6 areas, and Gary and I are in charge of our apartments. So tonight was my first experience as a door to door missionary. It went fairly well and we got more accomplished than I thought. Everyone was actually really nice and we went inside and talked to a couple folks. So anyway, I was feeling pretty good about things...and then the grand finale. The mystery man who lives upstairs. We hear him stomping around from midday to midnight. Seriously when I get up to relieve myself at 2 in the morning, he's still up and walking around! But we never see him and didn't even know what he looked like... So we knock on his door and the man behind it was CREEPY! I don't even know exactly how to describe him except that he had an air of "rapist serial killer." I was so glad that Gary was there with me. It's not like he was an ugly, dirty man with a nasty smile. He was a fairly attractive fellow but his demeanor was unnerving. And now I have the discomfort of still living below him. I don't want to see him ever again in my life time...but I have to somehow baptize him at the same time. That's a pickle.


Amy said...

Reading your blog makes me laugh every single time!! I am so happy that Peyton's "dirty uncle Gary" has found someone as freakin hilarious and perfect for him as you are!