I understand that resolutions rarely make it past the first month of the year, but for me these are resolutions that were already a work in progress before the New Year. It's simply coincidence that I'm making more specific goals right now!!
This last year I have worked really hard with trying to get in better shape. I refuse to diet because let's face it, diets make NOBODY happy, and since I have a history with an eating disorder, I chose not to make food a large factor in losing weight. I manage an office for a physical therapist, so everyday after work, I have all the gym equipment to myself, along with advice about working out from our athletic trainer. I NEVER weigh myself either because I find it very discouraging. I chose to approach my fitness goals with a very relaxed attitude when I started about six months ago, and to my delight, I stepped on a scale at the doctors office a couple weeks ago, and found that I had lost ten pounds! My resolution for 2011 isn't really to lose more and more weight, it's just to keep staying active and to maintain this lifestyle.
I'm really lucky that I have a husband who likes to take different trips and vacations, because I haven't been to too many places. Every year since we've been married, we've been able to take some really cool vacations. For 2011 I have a couple of ideas in mind. I have never been to the Grand Canyon and since it's not that far away from us, I'd really like to make the trip there. That will probably be more of a long weekend trip. Gary has always wanted to take a cruise, so our week long vacation this year will more than likely be a cruise. To where? I don't really know yet. My dream would be an Alaskan cruise, but Gary's probably thinking more along the lines of a tropical paradise. We'll see!
Before we were married, Gary and I each had some debt that we combined into one account. We have been able to bring the amount down significantly, and for 2011, I want nothing more than to see it disappear. I'm really proud of us for not acquiring more debt (other than our home and school) and being able to chip away consistently at the balance. This last General Conference there was a talk about debt, and how we should do all we can to get out of it right away. I forget who the speaker was, but he said that he prayed for him and his wife to get out of debt somehow, even though it seemed impossible at the time. He said that it wasn't long after, that they were able to wipe their debt clean by a few little miracles. So I thought about it, and even though it seemed impossible for us to be debt free ASAP, I prayed about it and through little miracles and unexpected funds coming our way, there is no reason why 2011 won't be the year we erase our debt away!
I really miss reading...I used to read non stop growing up and into high school and then lots after the fact. I'm not sure how or why I stopped reading so much, but I really miss it and really want to make it a priority since it's something that makes me so happy! My neice Hailey told me about how she was going to be reading Oliver Twist soon, so I thought I would read it with her since I had it stashed away somewhere. Poor Oliver! Remind me to read happy books next time!
I have quite a few more but there's no need to list all the "wrong" things I have been doing that I need to change =). But I really think that 2011 is going to be a great year!!
December 30, 2010
2011 Resolutions
Posted by Marci and Gary at 10:26 AM 1 comments
December 23, 2010
Our December
I don't remember ever having a busier holiday season! And I have been terrible at taking pictures, but here is one for the books! Last Christmas Eve, Gary bought us matching flannel jammies! I love them mostly because they are PINK!!! I didn't think there would be many other occassions other than Christmas for Gary to wear them again, but I found one! Our ward had a Christmas breakfast, and it took some convincing, but Gary wore them to breakfast with me! I'm such a lucky girl!Everyone loved it, especially the younger kids who thought it was so scandalous! It was great seeing their reactions to Gary!
We've made it through both our work Christmas parties, one family party so far, and Gary is finished with school for the semester! He finally gets another little break and it's so great to have him around. My best friend Kimber had her little baby girl, Adelaide last week and she's gorgeous!! Gary's brother got engaged last week as well and is getting married in March. There are so many family functions this last few days before Christmas and I'm really excited to hang out with my Grandma on Christmas Eve! Gary's sister's family is in town too and it's really nice to have so much family around!!
Everyone have a Merry Christmas!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 9:44 AM 1 comments
December 14, 2010
Apparently I Rob Stores Now
So it's Christmas time and there is a lot going on and a lot of things to buy. For me, I get to a point where I don't even listen to the total cost of my purchases anymore because I don't care...I just want to get it all done and move on.
A couple Saturday's ago I went to the Mrs. Cavanaugh's chocolate factory right by our house to get a couple boxes as gifts to give to my grandma, and Gary's grandparents. It was the same day as my BFF Kimber's baby shower, and I know how much she LOVES Mrs. Cavanaugh's! So I thought I would stick a few chocolates in with the baby's gift as a treat for just her. I grabbed to boxes of chocolates, chose the few little ones for Kimber, handed over my debit card, took the bag of my purchases, and headed out.
Kimber loved the chocolates by the way.
A few days later I logged on to my bank account to do some balancing and budgeting, when I saw the charge for Mrs. Cavanaugh's. $4.28???? One pound of chocolate is about $23.00 so I immediately realized that they never charged me for the two boxes!!
I debated in my head what I should do...go back and pay for them or just keep them. I mean, the girl knew that I wanted to buy them and even bagged them for me, so it was her mistake right?? Then I thought of who these gifts were for. Blanche, Lila, and Dennis...the most celestial people in the entire world. I couldn't give them morally tainted chocolate or I knew I would go straight to hell.
I went back to the store and told the girl behind the counter what had happened and she looked really realieved because she said "That was me!! It was all my fault!!" So she let me pay for the chocolates, and then took it upon herself to see that I was rewarded for my honesty. So, she let me have one more box of any chocolate that I wanted!! Yay for me!! I love Mrs. Cavanaugh's chocolates!!!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 11:56 AM 1 comments
November 29, 2010
Happy Holidays From Stewie!!
Poor Stewie didn't know what the heck he got himself into when he decided to live with us. It took a while before we could get a decent picture but we finally got something we could work with in the end!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 7:47 PM 2 comments
November 27, 2010
The Best Part About Thanksgiving
Every Thanksgiving, right before we eat, my family has the best tradition ever. My cute Grandma Blanche sings her Thanksgiving song. She sings the first verse and then the rest of the family joins in for the second verse. You can tell that I only know a few of the words. I'm so thankful for technology that allowed for me to capture this moment!! I love this lady so much!!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 9:18 PM 2 comments
November 23, 2010
My First GB House!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 8:02 PM 1 comments
Thanks Heidi for the Inspiration!!
I love that I have such creative blog buddies that inspire me to do all sorts of stuff!! And I love that I was also inspired to find all this stuff at the D.I. I was so happy how this kitchen decor turned out...I have had a blank wall in my kitchen that I had zero clue what to do with and now it's just stinkin' cute!!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 7:52 PM 1 comments
November 15, 2010
What I'm Thankful For
With Thanksgiving coming up, I see so many blogs and Facebook posts about being thankful, that I decided that maybe I should mention some of the things I'm thankful for as well! In no particular order I might add.
My home. I think about my home everyday and how much I love it and how I know it was built just for me to live in it!!
Stewie. Yes, he's a jerk but he makes me laugh really hard everyday!
Squirells and their furry little faces! Hopefully I'll have my own pet squirell one day!
My ward and my calling(s). I get to sing with the nursery every Sunday at church and it's so much fun! Those kids are so cute and so funny! Last night I had one of them bring cookies to my house and she told me she was thankful for me. It was so sweet!
My job and the people I work with. I also love the fact that they have all the gym equipment I could ever want, so I get to work out everyday for free, and it's like I have 3 of my own personal trainers!
I get to spend another Thanksgiving with my cute little Grandma Bingham. I always try to think of each one as the last with her, and hope that it's not.
I have the greatest friends ever! I don't want to list them because I'm sure I would forget someone and then feel terrible.
My sister Stacey. I could give a hundred reasons why she's the best older sister, but chances are I'd get teary eyed and this whole post would end up being about just her. =)
Noodles and Company of course.
And last but not least, Gary! I certainly lucked out with such a stinkin' cute husband!
I know there are more out there that I could list, but these are a really good start! Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 12:57 PM 3 comments
November 11, 2010
Funny, Embarassing Story
As Gary leaves for work every morning, we have the same conversation....
Gary: K Babe, I'm leaving
Me: Okay, love ya
Gary: Love you too. Have a good day
Me: You too
Gary: DON'T BE MAD!!
This has happened every morning for months and months if not our entire marriage. He likes to tell me at random times "Don't be mad!!" Even if I'm happy as a clam, not even remotely upset with anything, he likes to say this to me and it cracks me up!
So, I was at the Maverick during my lunch break yesterday, picking up a delicious Diet Coke, and as I was paying for it, the lady behind the counter was asking about my day so far, and we exchanged pleasantries for a couple seconds. Then she handed me my change and we had the following conversation:
Clerk: Okay, here's your change
Me: Thanks, have a good day
Clerk: You too
As I turned and walked away I realized what I had done, and I turned back to her to try and explain, or see if she even heard me, but she had moved on to the next customer in line, with a rather puzzled expression on her face.
Follow up: Today, I went back to the Maverick for yet again another Diet Coke, and who should ring me up but the same cashier as the day before. I wasn't sure if she would remember me or not so I didn't say anything about it, but as I was about to leave she said "You know, I really wasn't upset with you yesterday, I'm sorry if I acted like I was though." I about died laughing and explained the whole story to her and that I did it more as a reflex than anything. She was slightly amused but I'm pretty sure if I do anything like that again in her presence she'll call the cops to take me away to the nut hut! HAHAHA!!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 2:34 PM 1 comments
November 3, 2010
Bucket List Follow Up
I'm sure you're all just about dying to hear if I followed through with any of my Summer bucket list items. I will no longer keep you in suspense!
Go to Lagoon - Done. See October posts.
Fix the brick path in the backyard - Almost done. Gary did a summer semester at school so....yeah.
Plant flowers in front of my house - Done. Not what I hoped but I'm still learning, it was my first time.
Get a tan - HA!!! NO!!!!
Go to Oregon - Done! Best trip of my entire life!
Go on a hike - Well, no I didn't complete this one. However, I do hike on the treadmill almost everyday!
Organize my spare room full of crap - Not done. I haven't touched it and I think it looks worse that it ever has.
Go camping with my Grandma Blanche - I went camping but not with her. She had a hip replacement around the time we usually go so she wasn't in good condition at the time. Next year!
Have a party in our backyard with friends once the brick path is complete - Um, no.
Plan a sleepover with my neices - No! I had good intentions and then never got to do it. With Gary at school weekends are really the only time I get to see him so it just didn't work out.
Try kneeboarding again at Bear Lake - We did go to Bear Lake lots this Summer, but we didn't take the boat out any of the times we were there, so nope!
So there you have it. I completed 3 of the items on my list, with a few others that are partially complete. At least I have goals, and it was still an awesome Summer!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 9:20 AM 0 comments
November 1, 2010
A True Friend
Here is my cute Felicia friend! Posing next to her is the surprise Diet Coke and bag of Peanut M&M's that she brought me one Wednesday night, just because she loves me! Feli has got to be one of the most selfless friends I have ever had, always putting others before herself! Thanks for the treat Feli!! It was delicious and I love you lots!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 10:06 AM 0 comments
Halloween 2010
Gary loves Halloween! To me, I'm just indifferent to it. I don't hate it but I don't love it to the extent he does. I guess that's something I need to change for his sake! My thing is FALL! I love the leaves changing, the sweaters, the weather...everything! I promised Gary I would try harder next year to make all his Halloween fantasies come true since this year was a little disappointing to him. I did dress up with him though...I guess if you can call it being dressed up. This is all I had to work with for a last minute costume.Nothing like a goth chick and a nerd falling in love. We were supposed to carve pumpkins at his parents house before Halloween, but Gary was the only one who ended up doing anything. I was at a training earlier that day and I had sat for a few hours on the worlds most uncomfortable chair which sent my back into a painful, downward spiral. Look how good he did for me though! It's a Stewie Griffin pumpkin head!
And for him, a Mad Hatter!
Good job Gary! Happy Halloween!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 9:41 AM 1 comments
October 26, 2010
I Hate Lagoon
Gary LOVES Lagoon...but my biggest fear is being on the Rocket, or any other ride for that matter, and falling to my death. So when Neil asked us to go with him, it was PERFECT!! I could let the two of them run amuk and live out their Lagoon fantasies, and I could stand with my feet safely planted to the ground and snap pictures of them like I was their momma. In the end, they made me go on rides anyway.
Here is Gary so scared on the Haunted House ride. Getting ready to go on the Colossus! I cried real tears my first time going on this.






Posted by Marci and Gary at 10:55 AM 3 comments
October 20, 2010
Autumn Souvenirs
This is a poem that my friend Hiro wrote to me. He doesn't come in to my work anymore but still emails me lots of poems that he has written. I love that he still wants to stay friends! Fall is my favorite time of the year so I liked this one best.
Autumn Souvenirs
September flings her lukewarm days
To Indian-Summer's golden rays.
October sunsets purple hue
Regales a sky of denim blue.
Flaming leaves fly fancy-free,
Attired in Autumn finery.
Wild geese flying in V-formation
Hurry in anticipation.
The harvest moon's magic spell
Bathes frosty nights, the bids farewell.
Then snowy Winter interferes...
And covers up Fall's souvenirs.
Posted by Marci and Gary at 10:50 AM 1 comments
October 3, 2010
Redwood Forest
I have wanted to visit the Redwoods since I first saw a picture of one of the trees. I don't think anyone can even grasp how large they are until you're standing at the base of one of them. I was so lucky to be able to visit the forest this year and I'll never forget how amazed I was!
This is a tree that you have to pay to see (lame). Everyone wants to drive their cars through it, but we couldn't because we were pulling a trailer.
Posted by Marci and Gary at 8:26 PM 1 comments
September 28, 2010
For the past few months I have been working at Fast Track Physical Therapy and I really enjoy it! I get to work with really great people and patients everyday.
About a month ago, we had a 72 year old man come in, barely able to walk without a cane in one hand, and holding on to someone else with his other hand. Each day he has an appointment, I wait for him to pull up in the parking lot so I can hold his hand into the building, and then I walk him out after his therapy. He just doesn't dare walk alone, and to me, it's such a small service to help him. To him, it's a huge service. In those couple minutes that I'm holding his hand, he only has kind words for me, gratitude, jokes, etc. And he RARELY comes in without bringing me a small gift. His gifts have included:
2 dum-dum suckers
Grapes from his garden
Plums from a friends garden
Homemade soup
Old news articles featuring him (he's an artist from Pakistan)
Samples of horrible smelling perfume
And finally, yesterday, he picked a rose from his garden for me
He told me how important it is for him to give, that it's something that always makes him happy. He used to be a Yoga and Meditation Master, but he can't do yoga anymore because of his physical limitations. He used to be a painter but can't see or hold the brushes as well. He loves to cook but can't stand for too long in the kitchen. My favorite thing he has ever said to me is "I am a genius in many ways, but I can not walk."
I had to write about him because I don't want to forget him, his sense of humor, his willingness to give all he has, and his endless gratitude for everyone around him that will give him a smile. I don't think it's a coincidence either than his first name is Hiro (hero).
Posted by Marci and Gary at 9:14 AM 3 comments
September 21, 2010
Noodles and Company...Serves Sandwiches?!
We should all be aware by now that I have an unhealthy obsession with Noodles and Company. It's the Pesto Cavatappi that does it to me everytime. It's my personal heroine and I never want know what life is like with it!!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 12:41 PM 4 comments
September 13, 2010
September 10, 2010
Oregon Coast
Gary and I went on a week long road/camping trip with his parents to the Oregon Coast, the Redwood Forest, and to San Francisco. I'll split the posts up a little so as to not overwhelm anyone.... especially me. So let's start with the Oregon Coast! It was beyond beautiful! If I could have, I would have packed up and moved there! Not only was everything so gorgeous, the temperature was perfect for me. It was about 50-60 degrees the whole time, which is my type of climate. I love cooler weather.






Posted by Marci and Gary at 2:34 PM 3 comments
September 8, 2010
The Pet Psychic
I truly hope that nobody takes this post too seriously. If you know my husband and me BUT AT ALL, you'll understand that we are weird and quirky and that sometimes we do things out of pure entertainment. Like calling a pet psychic for Stewie.
I love Stewie. I truly do. He's freaking hilarious and he cracks me up on a daily basis. But of course, he is also a raging freakazoid and I want to ship him off to Madagascar a lot of the time.
So one morning, Gary and I were listening to our favorite morning show on the radio, and they had a pet psychic on as their guest. I didn't pay very close attention to the segment, but I said to Gary, completely as a joke "We could use a psychic for Stewie." And then I kept thinking about it and wondered what it would be like....so I called the pet psychic!!
She was a really nice lady actually. She said she could "see" and "talk" to Stewie even though it was just a phone conversation. She picked out what he looked like, fur color and such, and then asked me what it was I wanted to "tell Stewie." I said "tell him to stop biting us and attacking us for no reason!!" She said "Ok I'll tell him." Simple as that? I guess so. She said that she explained to him that when he bites us, it hurts us and that he shouldn't do it anymore. Then she told us that he only does it for attention and he thinks it's just harmless play time. So anyway, she said that Stewie told her he was going to stop attacking us. That was the end of the conversation.
So, was she right? Yes she was actually. Stewie has STOPPED biting us. Well...for the most part. Before the pet psychic, it used to be a DAILY occurence with him, sometimes a few times a day. But then after the pet psychic, he just stopped biting us completely for about a week. Then over the last 2 weeks he has probably only done it twice. So who really knows what the h is going on. Maybe she really can speak to animals. I hope she can for our sake and that the Stew has given up his violent ways.
Posted by Marci and Gary at 11:40 AM 1 comments
Just Wondering....
Does anyone really ever read my blog? I mean, is it worth the effort of posting something new?
Posted by Marci and Gary at 10:51 AM 6 comments
July 24, 2010
Two Stinken Years!!
Hurray for Gary and me! We have been married for 2 whole years, but it seems like it's been longer because I barely remember what life was like before him. I love this guy so much. He is always so concerned about my happiness and makes sure to make me laugh everyday. He never fails to tell me on a daily basis that he adores me, and I can't ask for much more than that!! Happy 2 years Gary! Love your face!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 6:36 PM 0 comments
June 30, 2010
My BrieAnn Friend!
My cute little friend BrieAnn got home from her mission in California this month and I'm so excited to have her back! She is one of my very favorite people. There are always those people that you know you were meant to have in your life...and Brie was/is that for me!
I met her when I started working in Salt Lake in...2007 I think. I had just been dumped by my fiance at the time and I was pretty much the queen of impending doom when we first met. Turns out Brie had been through the same situation a few months before, so that was the first thing we had in common. Mostly I love Brie because she can make me laugh so hard! She was the first person I had met after my break up that could get me to genuinely laugh out loud (lol!) and someone I could be absolutely ridiculous with. I love her to peices and I'm so glad she's home! Brie, Mel, Me, and Brooke at delicious Kneaders! Our favorite place to meet for lunch! Yummy!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 12:50 PM 2 comments
June 17, 2010
Stewie Update
The cat is still at our house, and he should be thanking his lucky stars that we haven't deported him back to Mordor. Honestly, he's comparable to Gollum, in that there are times that "we pity him" but deep down he's a raging psychopath with multiple personalities.
For example, there will be times when he has chilled out long enough to cuddle with me on my lap, and just as I start to think that he's the sweetest, cutest cat ever, he looks up at my face, pounces, and bites my nose. This has happened on several occassions.
I can't fix the couch covers without him full on attacking and biting my arms and hands. Same with doing push ups or picking up stuff off the floor. When I walk around the house with capris or shorts, he's bound to sneak attack my ankles and sink his teeth in. For these reasons, I hate the cat.
On the other hand, he makes us laugh really really hard. His mannerisms are hilarious when he's playing with his toys. If he ever tries to scratch his neck or chin with his back leg, he thinks that his back leg is attacking him, so he'll attack his leg back and bite it. It's so comical!
So here we are, 8 months with this little jerk and still trying to deal with his mayhem. And we are going to continue to keep him around I guess. The only way we'd get rid of him is when we have kids and he hasn't stopped biting us. Still not sure how to make the biting stop though.
Posted by Marci and Gary at 12:58 PM 2 comments
June 3, 2010
Summer 2010 Bucket List
*Spend a day at Lagoon. I really dislike Lagoon because one of my biggest fears is being on a disfunctional theme park ride that goes off track and I fall to my death with a stomach full of churros. But Gary really wants to go.
*Fix the brick path in our backyard that mysteriously turned to dust
*Make my garden really pretty and full of flowers!
*Attempt to get a tan...or at least get my skin to look like flesh rather than paste
*Plan a trip to Oregon right when Gary finishes the Summer semester. Gary has been wanting to take me there because he said that it's one of the prettiest states he has been to.
*Complete a challenging hike with some sort of waterfall at the end
*Take advantage of the warm weather to spend more time outside in the sunshine
*Organize our spare room that's full of crap and throw away half of it
*Start a book club with some neighbors and friends
*Camp with my grandma
*Have a party with lots of friends and family in my backyard once we finish the brick path.
*Plan a sleepoever with my neices
*Attempt to knee board in Bear Lake...again
Posted by Marci and Gary at 11:03 AM 2 comments
May 27, 2010
These pictures are not in order whatsoever!!!
Laguna Beach! Gorgeous!What is Disneyland without the Dumbo ride?
Posted by Marci and Gary at 7:49 PM 3 comments