I read DeeDee's blog about her silly little quirks and thought I would do the same seeing as how I'm pretty silly myself. I think the rule is to name six of them.
1 - I'm obsessed with Gary's butt. I have never been a butt person and I never really notice them on other people, but Gary seriously has the nicest rear end I have ever seen! It's so wonderfully round and bubbly and it makes me so happy. I wish I could show you all what I'm talking about...
2 - I have been engaged (officially and unofficially) to 3 other people before I was engaged to Gary. Thank my lucky stars I never made it past the engagement stage. It would have made things a little awkward when I met Gary. Kidding. Kind of.
3 - I associate driving in a car, with talking on the phone. I used to commute to Salt Lake and I did a lot of my talking time during the commute, so now everytime I get in a car I think "who haven't I bothered today?" I'm really trying to do better at it and I have made a lot of improvement. It's just that I get so bored sitting behind the wheel. Oh and just a side note, sometimes I don't want people to see me singing in my car by myself, so I'll put the phone up to my ear so it looks like I'm talking. Lame!
4 - I have very addictive behavior. Let's take Noodles and Company for example. I was so addicted to the Pesto Cavatapi that I had to eat it every day, and then sometimes twice a day before I was married. Another example is Prison Break and thinking that I was actually part of the show even when it wasn't playing. This takes us back to Gary's butt and my addiction for that as well.
5 - I hate Sushi
6 - Sometimes I just want to be quiet. Not because I'm angry or upset about something, but because I simply need to be silent. It's like a re-charge of batteries for me to not speak or converse with people. I'll get really calm and laid back and I won't have anything to say. Unfortunately some mistake it for being upset about something....but believe me, you'll know when I'm upset! There will be no doubt in your mind.
September 29, 2008
Silly Random Facts About Me
Posted by Marci and Gary at 4:59 PM 1 comments
September 28, 2008
The joy of Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Hey folks this is Gary's debut of blogging. Enjoy!!
Well as you can see from the picture above I will be speaking of the joys that Bedknobs and Broomsticks, a movie which brings happiness to all who grew up with it. Marci and I saw this movie for sale at the grocery store and even though we are strapped for cash, we decided we had to buy it anyway. However, to our demise we arrived home without the classic film in hand. Marci and I would not stand for us to lose such a wonderful film, needless to say I returned to the store and gave the cashier an ear full and they gave us our movie. The embarrassed cashier even admitted to loving the movie. "Get your own you crazy lady!" (I thought to myself as I left the store). I have watched this movie at least a good 132 times during my lifetime, and I hope to make it an even 500 before my life is through. My wife and I look forward to many years of watching this movie with kids and grandkids yet to come. For those of you who have never seen this movie or may not have seen it in many years, this Disney adventure is filled with many classic moments. We have the random dancing on Portebello road, fish dressed in suits, wild animals playing soccer and yes even an army of magical knights fighting the Nazis. I mean what else could you ask for in a movie?? I wonder if Disney will ever learn that making sequels a third and even a fourth time don't work, but you put 5 Brits on a magical bed and you have a classic. Well all I have to say is "can't you read readin, no peopling allowed".
Posted by Marci and Gary at 9:36 PM 0 comments
September 27, 2008
Don't Do It!!!
GONE are the days when Twinkies were a magical cream filled fluffy cake treat! I'm saddened to report, that today I was craving a Twinkie while at the grocery store. It had been years since I last tasted them, and it seemed like the right thing to do. It wasn't! Not only was it lacking the enchantment I expected, it was down right ghastly! But then I had a Snak Pak and everything was okay again.
Posted by Marci and Gary at 8:41 PM 2 comments
September 24, 2008
Oh Gary
Gary pretty much cracks me up on a daily basis! For example, he will sometimes make up on-the-fly songs, usually about 7 verses about me and my face and my butt. HILARIOUS! Sometimes he makes me laugh so hard that I actually get mad because I can't breathe and I lose control of my bodily functions. Saturday night, he had me in stitches!! I was having a not so unusual pain in my right hip, and at 10pm, he suggested we go for a walk down the street to Dairy Queen. He's in pajama shorts and doesn't bother to change into anything with pockets to hold his wallet and keys and cell phone, so he straps on a fanny pack...yes I did say fanny pack, and we hike with Neil and Felicia to Dairy Queen, and I laughed the whole time! He's just so silly!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 9:17 PM 2 comments
September 23, 2008
Happy Thoughts
Furry little creatures
Gary dancing
My old cat Scotty (miss him!)
Little Miss Sunshine at the end when Olive is dancing
Will Ferrell
Making out
Making out with Gary
Peanut M&M's
Fluffy blankets
Diet Coke
Prison Break
When I'm having a good hair day
Laughing until I cry
Inappropriate behavior
My new purple purse
The words "sandwich" and "snack"
Emails from people I like
When Gary does nice things for me
Making an edible dinner
My cute friends
Listening to Wicked
Days that I fit in my skinny jeans
Looking at pictures
When my apartment is clean and I have time to blog
Posted by Marci and Gary at 6:56 PM 2 comments
September 22, 2008
Forgiveness and Stuff
Now, I'm a fairly sensitive person and it doesn't take a whole lot to hurt my feelings, especially if it's by someone that I trust. The past few weeks, including today, I have really been hurt by quite a few people that I considered as being close to me. (When it rains it pours right?) I won't make a list of everyone and what they have specifically done, because that's not cool. I may not have a broad understanding of why they are doing what they are doing, saying what they are saying, etc. I just have to somehow accept that they must have something going on in their lives that must be blindsiding them and they can't see how it's affecting the people around them... and I just have to somehow forgive them. I really don't mean to sound like a downer or act like I'm such a victim. Granted I can really be the queen of impending doom at times too, but this has been weighing on my mind for a while and sometimes it helps to just talk it out...or write it out in this case. Perspective anyone???
In other news: Gary and I watched "Little Miss Sunshine" this weekend and I about laughed myself dead! I love it when I laugh until I cry, and this was definatly one of those times! Try and watch it if you can!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 4:34 PM 1 comments
September 20, 2008
Not that I'm anything like Sleeping Beauty...I mean I don't usually sleep with a rose laying on my chest... but I basically was out cold last night and happened to sleep clear until noon today. If anyone knows my sleeping habits, you'll know that isn't really like me. I always was the first one up when I was growing up, and even now, I can't sleep in very late unless I force myself to do so. I don't know how it is for everyone else, but when I sleep too much, I'm pretty much disfunctional the rest of the day. I don't think I have spoken more than 7 words to Gary today and I'm just not interested in doing anything. Lucky for me Gary cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom before I woke up, so that did away with the chores I wanted to get done. So what's left??? Even Prison Break isn't doing it for me! Maybe it's time to go back to sleep.
Posted by Marci and Gary at 7:35 PM 0 comments
September 19, 2008
Friday Night
Chinese food is YUMMY! Unless of course you're recovering from a lethal injection of milk in which case there is nothing on this earth that tastes good, or comforts the pain! We were going to see a movie after but I would have rather laid in the fetal position, crying like a human infant. Unfortunately, we needed groceries and trying to grocery shop on a Saturday is about as enjoyable as a bikini wax...so what better time than a Friday night when all the healthy people are out playing and enjoying their meals? It went rather smoothly and I only had 1 head on collision and about 2 fender benders with other carts. And then we got to the check out stand and that was a treat. Let's just say the woman behind the counter was...nice but a little too touchy feely, meaning she manhandled all our produce! She literally opened the little plastic sacks and gave each peach a nice firm sqeeze. I would have complained but that probably would have taken longer than the whole 75 minutes it took her to check us out and I just wanted to come home!!!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Going Private
Hey Everyone! I am making my blog private for reasons that aren't important...but this will be taking place in one month! So by October 19th, please send me your email by then so I can add you to view my blog! Send it to marciweller@hotmail.com Thanks!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 4:40 PM 0 comments
September 18, 2008
Milk = Death
Umm...I hate milk. It's caused me nothing but turmoil for the past serveral days. I have always had a sneaking suspicion that I was lactose intolerant, and now...it's crystal freakin' clear! My friend Keri got me started on some breakfast shakes and I have been drinking them everyday for the past couple of weeks. Each shake consists of 8 oz. of milk. Now and then I'll even drink them for lunch for 2 reasons. First, it's quick and something I can do on the go if work is particularly busy, and second, it curbs my craving for sugar, which is a rather intense craving. I'm not much a milk drinker to begin with, so the amount of milk I have been drinking in the past two or three weeks, is about equivilent to what I drink in a six month period. So slowly and gradually I have come into a most intense stomach pain, the likes of which I have never known!! I talked a doctor at work today and he suggested either Lactaid or Soy Milk. I have heard that Soy Milk is actually quite delicious so I'll give it a go.
Posted by Marci and Gary at 6:00 PM 1 comments
September 17, 2008
Free Me!
Dude. Gary wanted me to start watching Prison Break with him but I had never seen any of it, so we started with episode one. And now...I'm hooked! It started with an episode here and there every day or so, and then yesterday, from 4 - 11 pm all I did was sit on the couch, watched 8 more episodes and I'm totally captivated. No pun intended. By some miracle I was able to stop watching long enough to make a half assed dinner. Yikes! It's intense and it never stops! And the main character is so smart that it makes me jealous. And I have a problem that when I watch a movie or a show, or when I'm reading a book, that I get so caught up in all of it, that I think it's real life. So last night when I went to bed, I had thoughts of sleeping with a shard of glass under my pillow, and when my phone rings and I answer it, I think that someone is tapping my line because they know I know too much. (It's a television show for crying out loud!) I know...I'm weird and I'm not trying to defend it at all.
Posted by Marci and Gary at 11:23 AM 1 comments
September 16, 2008
And Not to Mention....
Forgive me Kevin, for not including you on the birthday blog. I suck! So during my lunch break, allow me to say a little about you. You're nice, you don't smell bad, you have cute kids, you knocked up your wife again, you make pretty funny jokes although a little too colorful at times, you are a hard worker and have a cool car, and remember the time you bought me a bottled water? That was one of the best days of my life. And you're pretty much the only one in the family that can grow a mustache. People like you, and I'd bet you'd go to the store to buy tampons if your wife needed them. She doesn't right now, in which case I'll bet you buy her ice cream and stuff. Okay so hippity hoppity happity birthday! And here's you and your family! Cute!!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 11:57 AM 1 comments
September 15, 2008
Candy Corn
Ask me how much I like candy corn...and I won't even answer you. I'll already be making out with it in the corner of a dark alleyway. It's part of every fantasy I have, and I'd rather eat my own foot than live with out CANDY CORN!!!!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 8:43 PM 1 comments
Happy Birthday!
On this very day, not so many years ago...a wondorous creature was brought to planet earth. This creature, by the name of Marisa, is the blonde bombshell you see standing next to me in the picture above. Older sister to my husband, warrior against wretched customer service, and mother to 2 pretty handsome devils. Her fashion sense is impecible, her bodily functions disgusting, and her chest is a wonder of the world. Happy Birthday Marisa! We love you!
PS. I tried to get us tickets to Grublets on Ice in celebration of your brithday, but they have been selling out too quickly as of late. Maybe next year!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 12:47 PM 3 comments
September 13, 2008
Granny Blanche
Yesterday was a pretty bad day for so many reasons. While I had the potential to cry 73 tears, I only cried 3 because I didn't want to make a spectacle of myself. Part of my raging emotions came from the funeral I went to for my great uncle. I wansn't terribly close to him, but I went to support my Grandma Blanche This week marked the 20th anniversary of my Grandpa Arnold's death. She has been a little sad about it and kind of lonely so I really wanted to see her. Being at the funeral made me think of what kind of a blubbering mess I'm going to be when it's her time to go. She's my only living grandparent right now and I can't imagine life without the crazy lady around. Anyone who has met her knows how much of a crack up she is and how bull headed she can get. Whenever I go to dinner with my family for my birthday, if I want Granny to join us I have to go to Golden Corral for her sake. So instead of getting the delicious cheesecake for dessert at Chilis, I get some weird frozen yogurt with candy corn toppings. Small price to pay I suppose. Here she is in all her glory and I love her to peices!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 3:40 PM 1 comments
Cute Presents
No need to explain why Gary went out and bought me flowers or the white pumpkin...I just thought it was super cute of him!It says "For my little pumpkin." Get it?
Posted by Marci and Gary at 3:34 PM 0 comments
September 10, 2008
Rain Man
Monday night, our friends Neil and Felicia came to our apartment and we started watching Rain Man. Felicia and I didn't make it all the way through and went to sleep after an hour, but Gary and Neil watched the whole thing. So then today Gary and Neil and I went to the Salt Lake Library downtown to return some books and browse around. Neil was on the 5th floor when he called Gary and said "dude the REAL rain man is here!" I was like "Dustin Hoffman?" NOPE!! Apparently there is another rain man for which the film was based. Gary and Neil had met this guy back when they were 14 or so and recognized him. They weren't very tactful though. Gary and Neil stared at him for about 15 minutes straight. I was less obvious and walked around, in and out of the isles, checking up occasionally. He was just sitting at a table with a bunch of phone books, reading them and talking to himself, and making notes here and there. So then he gets up and walks over to the book shelf where they have 7 feet wide books, grabs one and starts reading that. Gary and Neil also grabbed random books, and sat down at his table and just stared at him again. I sat on a big squishy chair near by and just observed what they would do. Finally Gary says to him "are you Kim Peek?" And he says "yes I am." So they explained how they met him a few years ago, but he didn't seem to pay attention, he was still reading the phone book. Then Gary and Neil start asking him questions. "When was Ronald Reagan elected president?" "How many home runs did Babe Ruth hit?" He answered their questions without blinking and still reading. I was so amazed! Then Neil told him his birthday and asked how many days he had been alive...and then finally Kim said "you have to look it up! I'm not doing that right now!" He knows he's a semi celebrity too and knows he doesn't have to answer questions if he doesn't want to. So I convinced them that we needed to go and not bother the nice disabled man anymore. But it was still pretty cool.
Posted by Marci and Gary at 9:29 PM 1 comments
For Your Viewing Pleasure!
I love Flight of the Concords! This has to be my all time favorite song of theirs! Enjoy!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 5:06 PM 0 comments
September 9, 2008
Lazy Sack of...
Replace the Bud Light with a Diet Coke and this was pretty much Marci on a Tuesday night. I don't know what my problem is. Gary has school on Tuesday and Thursday night, and I usually take the alone time to clean the apartment, do the laundry, make yummy dinners, shave my legs, and if I have time, maybe read a book. And then tonight...nothing. The washer and dryer are deathly silent, the apartment is unkempt, my legs are far from skintimate, and I'm pretty sure dinner will be something akin to cereal. I was so lazy it was revolting. I even watched 90210 which is something I have never done in my life. Speaking of which, I'm really glad I'm not in high school anymore. Okay that's all.
Posted by Marci and Gary at 7:59 PM 2 comments
September 8, 2008
The Hills are Alive...!!
Today I was at work dealing with the usual and having a coronary. So I flipped on my iPod. Best idea EVER! People seem to be a lot less stupid when I'm listening to Fall Out Boy. I wanted to dance in my chair because it took me back to their concert I went to a couple years ago. Best concert I have ever been to! Then I toned it down with a little Yellowcard, and topped it off with some Elton John. I wish I had the Beatles on my iPod right now. That would have either made me feel high or at least very relaxed.
Posted by Marci and Gary at 5:04 PM 1 comments
September 7, 2008
Go Utes....?
I've been raised to be a BYU fan so my first trip to the Rice Eccles Stadium for a U of U game made me feel a little guilty... at first. Everytime they scored a touchdown, I could subconsciously hear my dad hurling out a string of profanities and telling me I was a traitor. None the less, it was lots of fun.
Posted by Marci and Gary at 8:10 PM 3 comments
8 Seconds
One of the clinics I work with had an open house this last Friday, so I thought it would be fun for me and Gary to stop by seeing as how there were lots of give aways and food and what not. Gary ended up winning us a chocolate melting pot! Yummy! But the highlight for me was when Gary jumped on the mechanical bull! Most entertaining thing I've seen him do!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 8:01 PM 0 comments
September 4, 2008
Due to a freak accident involving bleach and a beauty school drop out, I decdided it seemed like a good time to go brunette. And more than a year later, I have thoroughly enjoyed the dark look! I loved making my eye make up darker too and I kind of had to do a whole wardrobe change as well. Gary has never seen me as a blonde except for in pictures, and him along with my family and his family all think that blonde is a good look for me. But for anyone who has ever transformed from brunette to blonde, you know that it is no simple task. There are many phases involved. I'm only on phase II...the phase that makes me look like Beyonce trying to be blonde. Sigh. I think after phase III things should start looking a little better. But I really miss my dark hair! I'm not going to post a picture on here of the middle phases. We'll wait until I have the complete product! I'll give it some time but if I'm not happy with it after a couple months, I'm going dark again!!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 7:02 PM 1 comments
September 1, 2008
Cutest Husband Award
Not that I have had other husbands to compare Gary to, but if I did, he would be the over-all winner of the cuest, sweetest, funniest husband ever! I was just thinking about him tonight and how he's the best thing to ever happen to me. He's one of those guys that girls hope to find one day but are afraid that they don't exist. Anyway, I really don't want to get much more into it and make everyone gag at the cheesie-osity of the love I have have for him so I'll stop there. But just look at his face and tell me he's not the cutest thing ever!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 10:29 PM 2 comments
The Fairy Forrest
Gary and I went camping with his family over the weekend up near Mirror Lake. We got there Friday night and only had enough time to put up the tent and sit around the campfire for a while before going to bed. Saturday, the whole family made a little trip down the campgrounds, across a dried up river, and through the trees until we reach The Fairy Forrest! I had heard about it, but it's something you have to see for yourself. Unfortunately I don't have very great pictures of the fairy forrest so you'll just have to close your eyes and imagine it. It's almost like a pumpkin patch walk, but instead of pumkins there are painted rocks. People have filled this area of the forrest with pictures painted on hundreds of rocks of fairies, angels, butterflies, animals...anything! It was so fun to see and Gary's mom had brought paints along that we could all paint rocks and make our own area to add to the forrest. Gary spent about 3 hours longer in the fairy forrest, digging out rocks and creating a place just for our family to put our painted rocks. His aunt Helen made a little football field with blue rocks on one side, and red on the other. (Guess which teams?) Of course there were more red ones and they were bigger than the blue. Here's a picture of what I did!!
Posted by Marci and Gary at 2:40 PM 1 comments