September 27, 2008

Don't Do It!!!

GONE are the days when Twinkies were a magical cream filled fluffy cake treat! I'm saddened to report, that today I was craving a Twinkie while at the grocery store. It had been years since I last tasted them, and it seemed like the right thing to do. It wasn't! Not only was it lacking the enchantment I expected, it was down right ghastly! But then I had a Snak Pak and everything was okay again.


MJ said...

Marci I too had a hostess moment...only mine was the ding dong...initially it was and ok sensation..shortly following I was not pleased with my decision. So I decided to freeze them to see if I liked them better that way. Only to find out I did not...I do believe that Hostess treats were better on the young taste buds...

Darby said...

Blah to both Twinkies and Snack Paks!! To me there is nothing magical about either. Vile nasty 'treats'!!